I just wanted to thank everyone who came out to my 2 classes (Introduction to Calligraphy & Illumination and Accessibility Hour with Li) on Saturday at the Southern Region Scriptorium & Heraldic Symposium! It had been a while since I taught and it was fun to see everyone! Remember, if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me!
And just in review here were some cool links to check out (on the third handout I gave everyone in the C&I class).
I am a full time engineer and a part time: henna artist, painter, calligraphier, book binder, yogi, movie buff, reader, drummer, jewelry maker, snowboarder, volunteer, mentor, and enabler...and one day maybe a part time/full time writer (I've got some ideas and I'll either write a kick ass AD&D module or a novel...we'll see!)
In the SCA, I am a scribe of the East Kingdom and have been doing scrolls since 2002. I love all styles and time periods, especially 14th-15th c Italian, Flemish, and German. I also enjoy bookbinding, viking wire knitting, some embroidery and well...I like to dabble in different areas.